about us

Key-Use is a professional manufacturer that began in 1987. We have more than two decade years experience in fastener area.
We specialize in the production of bolts and hardware.
We constantly improve technology and facilities, making us leaders in market development.
In recent years, we have added advanced facilities such as the “Bolt-Former”.
Our automatically-produced process allows us to monitor our product quality.
We rigorously inspect from raw materials to shipping.
Key-Use has transformed from OEM to ODM over many years.
We persist in producing perfect products.
Because of our excellent capability to producing, we can help our clients design what they need.
Key-Use has a long-term relationship with its clients and provides service to oversea such as USA, Europe, and Asia.
On-time delivery and best quality are our successful services to our clients.
Innovation and development are Key-Use basic principles, and stable development is our edge.
We believe that we can achieve a win-win zone .
Why choose us? Because we can conform to your expectation, we sincerely hope to make long-term relationship with you.

Quality Service

Key-Use is certified with ISO-9001.
Quality is an essential aspect of our identity.
Recently, we have been equipped with inspection facilities such as Universal Testing Machine / HARDNESS TEAT MACHINE / CUTTING MACHINE / RUBBING MACHINE / PROJECTION MACHINE.
We can’t be reliable to our clients without strict inspections.
We have to put an emphasis on our Quality Control.
We are able to offer PPAP III and ensure our clients. We are getting our TS-16949 certification soon.

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